Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc

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Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc: A Thrilling Movie in High Quality Format

If you are looking for a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat, you should check out Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc. This is a 2005 film directed by Woody Allen and starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Scarlett Johansson, Emily Mortimer, and Matthew Goode. It is a drama that explores the themes of morality, ambition, love, and betrayal.

What is Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc about?

The movie follows the story of Chris Wilton, a former tennis pro who becomes a tennis instructor at a London club. There he meets Tom Hewett, a wealthy young man who invites him to his family’s estate. Chris soon falls in love with Tom’s sister Chloe and marries her, hoping to secure his social and financial status. However, he also develops an attraction to Tom’s fiancée Nola Rice, an American actress who struggles to find success in her career. Chris and Nola begin an affair that threatens to ruin his marriage and his future. As Chris becomes more obsessed with Nola, he resorts to desperate measures to keep their relationship hidden and to avoid the consequences of his actions.

Why should you watch Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc?

Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc is a movie that will keep you hooked from the start to the end. It has a captivating plot that twists and turns in unexpected ways. It also has excellent performances from the cast, especially Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Scarlett Johansson who portray the complex and flawed characters of Chris and Nola. The movie also has a stunning cinematography that captures the beauty and contrast of London’s high society and low life. The movie also raises some interesting questions about fate, luck, morality, and justice.

How can you watch Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc?

If you want to watch Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc, you have several options. You can buy or rent the DVD or Blu-ray from online or offline stores. You can also stream or download the movie from various platforms such as Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, Google Play, YouTube, and Vudu. However, if you want to enjoy the movie in the best quality possible, you should opt for Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc. This is a high definition format that offers a clear and crisp picture and sound. It also has a smaller file size than other formats, which means it will take less space on your device and less time to download or stream.

What are the benefits of Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc?

Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc is a format that offers many benefits for the viewers. Here are some of them:

  • It has a high resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels, which means it has more details and clarity than lower resolution formats.
  • It has a high compression rate, which means it has a smaller file size than other formats. This makes it easier to store, download, and stream.
  • It has a high audio quality, which means it has a clear and rich sound that matches the picture. It uses the AAC codec, which is a lossy compression format that preserves the original sound quality.
  • It has a high compatibility, which means it can be played on most devices and platforms. It uses the MP4 container, which is a widely supported format that can store video and audio data.
  • It has a high versatility, which means it can be used for various purposes. It can be used for personal or professional use, such as watching movies, making presentations, or sharing videos.

How can you get Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc?

If you want to get Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc, you have several options. You can buy or rent the movie from online or offline stores that offer this format. You can also download or stream the movie from websites that provide this format. However, you should be careful when choosing the source of the movie. Some websites may offer low quality or pirated versions of the movie that may harm your device or violate the copyright laws. You should always check the reviews and ratings of the website before downloading or streaming the movie.

What are the reviews and ratings of Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc?

Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc is a movie that has received positive reviews and ratings from critics and audiences. Here are some of them:

  • It has a score of 7.6 out of 10 on IMDb, based on over 200,000 user ratings. It also has a Metascore of 72 out of 100, based on 40 critic reviews.
  • It has a rating of 83% on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 208 reviews from critics. It also has an audience score of 79%, based on over 250,000 user ratings.
  • It has a rating of 4.1 out of 5 on Amazon, based on over 1,000 customer reviews. It also has a rank of #8,237 in Movies & TV.

Most of the reviews and ratings praise the movie for its gripping story, brilliant performances, stunning visuals, and thought-provoking themes. Some of the reviews and ratings also criticize the movie for its slow pace, predictable ending, and lack of originality.

What are some trivia and facts about Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc?

Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc is a movie that has some interesting trivia and facts behind it. Here are some of them:

  • It is Woody Allen’s first movie set and filmed entirely in London. He decided to move his production to London after he failed to secure enough funding in the US.
  • It is loosely inspired by the novel Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky and the play A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. It also references the opera La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi and the painting The Kiss by Gustav Klimt.
  • It was nominated for one Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. It also won four Golden Globe Awards for Best Motion Picture – Drama, Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actress (Scarlett Johansson).
  • It was originally conceived as a comedy with Kate Winslet in the role of Nola Rice. However, Winslet dropped out due to scheduling conflicts and Allen rewrote the script as a drama with Scarlett Johansson in the role.
  • It features a cameo appearance by Woody Allen himself as a voice on the answering machine of Nola Rice’s apartment.

How can you improve your experience of watching Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc?

If you want to improve your experience of watching Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc, you can do some things before, during, and after watching the movie. Here are some tips:

  • Before watching the movie, you can read some reviews and ratings of the movie to get an idea of what to expect. You can also watch some trailers and clips of the movie to get a glimpse of the plot and the characters.
  • During watching the movie, you can use a good device and a good internet connection to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted viewing. You can also use headphones or speakers to enhance the audio quality. You can also adjust the brightness and volume settings to suit your preference.
  • After watching the movie, you can share your thoughts and opinions about the movie with others. You can also write a review or a rating of the movie to express your feedback. You can also explore some trivia and facts about the movie to learn more about its background and production.

What are some similar movies to Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc?

If you enjoyed watching Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc, you might also like some similar movies that have the same genre, theme, or style. Here are some recommendations:

  • Closer (2004): This is a movie that also explores the relationships and affairs of four people in London. It stars Julia Roberts, Jude Law, Natalie Portman, and Clive Owen.
  • Gone Girl (2014): This is a movie that also involves a mystery and a twist involving a married couple. It stars Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike.
  • The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999): This is a movie that also features a young man who becomes obsessed with a wealthy and charismatic man. It stars Matt Damon, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Cate Blanchett.
  • The Prestige (2006): This is a movie that also deals with the themes of ambition, rivalry, and deception. It stars Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson, and Michael Caine.
  • Atonement (2007): This is a movie that also depicts the consequences of a lie that affects the lives of three people. It stars Keira Knightley, James McAvoy, and Saoirse Ronan.

What are some other movies by Woody Allen?

If you liked Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc, you might also want to check out some other movies by Woody Allen. He is a prolific and acclaimed filmmaker who has made over 50 movies in his career. Here are some of his most popular and acclaimed movies:

  • Annie Hall (1977): This is a romantic comedy that follows the relationship of a neurotic comedian and an aspiring singer. It stars Woody Allen and Diane Keaton.
  • Manhattan (1979): This is a comedy-drama that depicts the lives and loves of four people in New York City. It stars Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Mariel Hemingway, and Meryl Streep.
  • Hannah and Her Sisters (1986): This is a comedy-drama that explores the relationships and affairs of three sisters and their partners. It stars Mia Farrow, Barbara Hershey, Dianne Wiest, Woody Allen, Michael Caine, and Max von Sydow.
  • Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989): This is a drama that intertwines the stories of two men who face moral dilemmas in their personal and professional lives. It stars Woody Allen, Martin Landau, Anjelica Huston, and Alan Alda.
  • Midnight in Paris (2011): This is a fantasy-comedy that follows the adventures of a writer who travels back in time to meet famous artists in Paris. It stars Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Marion Cotillard, and Kathy Bates.


Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc is a movie that you should not miss if you are a fan of drama, thriller, or Woody Allen. It is a movie that has a captivating plot, excellent performances, stunning visuals, and thought-provoking themes. It is also a movie that offers a high quality format that enhances your viewing experience. You can watch Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc from various sources and platforms, but you should always be careful and choose the ones that are reliable and legal. You can also improve your experience by reading some reviews and ratings, watching some trailers and clips, sharing your feedback, exploring some trivia and facts, and watching some similar movies or other movies by Woody Allen. Match Point 720p Mp4 Aac X264 Brrip 2005 Cc is a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat and make you think about the role of fate, luck, morality, and justice in your life.


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