Livre D Obstetrique Pdf 31 [PATCHED]

Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31: The Ultimate Resource for Obstetrics Students and Professionals

Obstetrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the care of pregnant women and their fetuses. It involves the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions and complications that may arise during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and the postpartum period. Obstetrics also includes the prevention and management of maternal and fetal diseases and disorders.

If you are a student or a professional in the field of obstetrics, you may be looking for a reliable and comprehensive source of information and guidance on this subject. One of the best resources that you can use is Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31, a French book that covers all the aspects and topics of obstetrics in a clear and concise manner.

What is Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31?

Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31 is a book that was written by Robert Merger, Jean Levy, and Jean Melchior, three renowned experts and professors in obstetrics. It was first published in 1974 and has been updated and revised several times since then. The latest edition was released in 2021 and contains 676 pages.

Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31 is divided into four parts:

  • The first part provides an introduction to obstetrics, its history, its principles, its methods, and its organization.
  • The second part deals with the physiology and pathology of pregnancy, from conception to delivery. It covers topics such as fetal development, maternal adaptation, prenatal diagnosis, fetal surveillance, maternal complications, fetal complications, multiple pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, abortion, preterm labor, dystocia, cesarean section, and more.
  • The third part focuses on the physiology and pathology of labor and delivery. It covers topics such as the mechanisms of labor, the stages of labor, the management of labor, the assessment of fetal well-being, the complications of labor and delivery, the instrumental delivery, the episiotomy, the perineal repair, the placenta delivery, the postpartum hemorrhage, and more.
  • The fourth part discusses the physiology and pathology of the postpartum period. It covers topics such as the involution of the uterus, the lactation, the contraception, the puerperal infections, the thromboembolic diseases, the psychological disorders, the breast diseases, and more.

Why Should You Use Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31?

Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31 is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn or improve their knowledge and skills in obstetrics. Here are some of the reasons why you should use this book:

  • It is comprehensive and up-to-date. It covers all the essential topics and aspects of obstetrics in a thorough and current way. It incorporates the latest advances, techniques, recommendations, and guidelines from various scientific societies and authorities.
  • It is clear and concise. It presents the information in a simple and straightforward way. It uses clear definitions, explanations, examples, diagrams, tables, charts, algorithms, protocols, and references to facilitate understanding and learning.
  • It is practical and useful. It provides practical advice and tips on how to diagnose and treat various conditions and complications in obstetrics. It also offers useful tools and resources such as checklists, questionnaires, scales, scores, formulas, nomograms, classifications, criteria, indications, contraindications, precautions, warnings, side effects, complications, outcomes,
  • It is accessible and convenient. It is available in PDF format, which means that you can download it and read it on any device that supports PDF files, such as a computer, a tablet, a smartphone, or an e-reader. You can also print it or save it on a USB drive or an external hard drive.

How to Download and Read Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31?

If you want to download and read Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the website of , which is a digital library that offers free access to millions of books, documents, videos, audio files, and more.
  2. Search for the title of the book (Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31) or the authors’ names (Robert Merger, Jean Levy, Jean Melchior) in the search box.
  3. Select the book from the list of results and click on it to open its page.
  4. On the right side of the page, you will see various options to download or read the book online. You can choose the PDF option to download the book as a PDF file, or you can choose the Full Text option to read the book online in your browser.
  5. If you choose to download the book as a PDF file, you will need a PDF reader software to open and view it. You can use any PDF reader software that you prefer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader , Foxit Reader , or Sumatra PDF .
  6. If you choose to read the book online in your browser, you will be able to zoom in and out, scroll up and down, jump to any page, search for any word or phrase, bookmark any page, and share the book with others.

How to Cite Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31?

If you want to cite Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31 in your academic or professional work, you can use the following formats:

APA (7th edition):

Merger, R., Levy, J., & Melchior, J. (2021). Livre d obstetrique (6th ed.). Masson.

MLA (8th edition):

Merger, Robert, Jean Levy, and Jean Melchior. Livre d Obstetrique. 6th ed., Masson, 2021.,

Chicago (17th edition):

Merger, Robert, Jean Levy, and Jean Melchior. 2021. Livre d Obstetrique. 6th ed. Paris: Masson.

What are Some Other Books on Obstetrics?

If you want to expand your knowledge and skills on obstetrics, you can also read some of these books:

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology by Charles R. B. Beckmann, Frank W. Ling, Barrie Susman Cassing Hammond, William N.P. Herbert, Douglas W. Laube, Roger P. Smith, and Lynn M. Morgan. This book is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to the diagnosis and management of various conditions and complications in obstetrics and gynecology.
  • Williams Obstetrics by F. Gary Cunningham, Kenneth J. Leveno, Steven L. Bloom, Catherine Y. Spong, Jodi S. Dashe, Barbara L. Hoffman, Brian M. Casey, and Jeanne S. Sheffield. This book is a classic and trusted reference that covers all the aspects of obstetrics in a clear and evidence-based way.
  • Dewhurst’s Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Keith Edmonds, Tom Bourne, Christoph Lees, and Sabaratnam Arulkumaran. This book is a concise and practical guide to the clinical practice of obstetrics and gynecology.

Here is a sample comparison table that you can use:

Book Scope and Depth Style and Presentation Purpose and Audience
Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31 Comprehensive and up-to-date. Covers all the aspects and topics of obstetrics in a thorough and current way. Clear and concise. Presents the information in a simple and straightforward way. Uses clear definitions, explanations, examples, diagrams, tables, charts, algorithms, protocols, and references. Practical and useful. Provides practical advice and tips on how to diagnose and treat various conditions and complications in obstetrics. Also offers useful tools and resources such as checklists, questionnaires, scales, scores, formulas, nomograms, classifications, criteria, indications, contraindications, precautions, warnings, side effects, complications, outcomes, alternatives, and references for further reading.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Comprehensive and authoritative. Covers all the essential topics and aspects of obstetrics and gynecology in a thorough and evidence-based way. Clear and attractive. Presents the information in a clear and logical way. Uses attractive features and formats such as color illustrations, photographs, tables, boxes, summaries, key points, case studies, review questions, answers, explanations, references, and online resources. Reliable and informative. Provides reliable information and guidance on the diagnosis and management of various conditions and complications in obstetrics and gynecology. Also provides informative content on the prevention and management of maternal and fetal diseases and disorders.
Williams Obstetrics Classic and trusted. Covers all the aspects of obstetrics in a clear and evidence-based way. Clear and user-friendly. Presents the information in a clear and consistent way. Uses user-friendly features and formats such as definitions, explanations, Authoritative and comprehensive. Provides authoritative information and guidance on the diagnosis and management of various conditions and complications in obstetrics. Also provides comprehensive content on the physiology and pathology of pregnancy, labor, delivery, and the postpartum period.
Dewhurst’s Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Concise and practical. Covers the clinical practice of obstetrics and gynecology in a concise and current way. Clear and concise. Presents the information in a clear and structured way. Uses clear definitions, explanations, examples, diagrams, tables, boxes, key points, references, and online resources. Practical and relevant. Provides practical information and guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions and complications in obstetrics and gynecology. Also provides relevant content on the epidemiology, ethics, medico-legal issues, and global perspectives of obstetrics and gynecology.


Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31 is a French book that covers all the aspects and topics of obstetrics in a clear and concise manner. It is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn or improve their knowledge and skills in obstetrics. You can download and read this book for free from the website of You can also buy, read, and compare other books on obstetrics, such as Obstetrics and Gynecology, Williams Obstetrics, and Dewhurst’s Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, from the website of Amazon. We hope that this article has helped you understand and use Livre d Obstetrique PDF 31 better.[2021].md


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