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Ham Voice Keyer [Updated-2022]

Ham Voice Keyer is a tool for Linux, Mac and Windows. Ham voice keyer display text of a recorded audio output. Ham Voice keyer has simple to use layout. Ham voice keyer is fully automatic. You will not have to do anything.
Ham Voice keyer display text of a recorded audio output. Record audio output with your computer sound card and playback audio with other audio card.
Ham Voice Keyer Features:
Ham Voice Keyer is a tool for Linux, Mac and Windows. Ham voice keyer display text of a recorded audio output. Ham Voice keyer has simple to use layout. Ham voice keyer is fully automatic. You will not have to do anything.
This Version:
The ‘Version’ feature displays a version number of this application.

Change settings in the ‘Settings’ tab.
The ‘Cfg.’ tab displays all defined settings.

Keypad Layout:
The keypad is mainly used to enter text with the keyboard or the mouse. To be able to press the correct key,
some keys must be moved, like pressing the tab key when entering text on the left side of the keypad.
The more keys you have on the keypad, the more text can be entered with the keyboard.

Keypad Layout.

Where to Start:
The ‘Where to Start’ tab is to select the position where to start text output.
The positioning of the keypad is determined with the ‘keypad position’ settings.

Where to Start.

Keypad position:
The ‘keypad position’ tab shows the position of the keypad, depending on the audio output stream.
If you choose ‘no keypad’, the keypad won’t be displayed.
If you choose ‘first line’, the keypad will be displayed at the first line of the text.
If you choose ‘first column’, the keypad will be displayed in the first column.

Keypad position.

Text (input) Stream:
The ‘Text (input) Stream’ tab allows you to specify the text output stream.

Text (input) Stream:
The ‘Text (input) Stream’ tab allows you to specify the text output stream.
The default value is’rec’ (recording). The output stream must be selected to be able to use this application.
The following output streams are

Ham Voice Keyer Download


Ham Voice Keyer [Latest] 2022


You can use “voicemode” application to record audio via internal audio out put or microphone input, and send it to the external audio output in the same way.

This can be used to broadcast a keyed signal via serial port or i.e. RF transmitter.

The Loop delay can be configured from the app.

The frequency range is 20Hz to 20Khz

This app uses the Ardour Audio Engine which allows you to record any input or send an input of the same output.

Main features:

Allows you to configure the delay length in seconds. This parameter is essential to receive the exact delay set to your transmitter.

Provides the frequency settings, (change them in the tool Bar)

Records an audio file in 16-bit float signed mono.

When recording the input is sent out via the line out.

When playback is selected the audio is sent out to the line out.

Can be used to transcode the audio while recording and/or playback.

Uses the Ardour Audio engine

Use the “Voicemode” application for making “Voicemode broadcasts”

There is a dedicated “Voicemode” application to make Voicemode broadcasts that can be done via the serial port loop.


If you use the app to broadcast the signal, you can configure the delay that is put on the signal as well as the sample rate that the outputted audio signal is at.

There are two ways to configure the delay length, one is by changing the slider and the other is by changing the settings in the main window.

The frequency setting can be changed in the main window as well as through the tabs that are provided.

Input Method:

Input Method:

When the input is connected to the app a simple form to enter the Input data.

Output Method:

Output Method:

When the output of the audio is connected to the app the same form to enter the output data.

The app is able to format the outputted audio in any way the user wants.


The main window has the following tabs.

Settings Tab:

This tab allows you to select what kind of signal you want to receive.

Input Tab:

This allows you to set the input for the signal, as

What’s New in the?

Vhk supports 8 simultaneous inputs.

How to use:

Simply connect to a serial port (pin 1 to pin 15), put your transmitters loop (if it has one) in between, and VOILA!

Flashing mode:

This mode is useful for testing the program.
To do so, type in the following parameters in the text box:
1. Bitrate of the serial output – Your program will send audio bits to serial at this rate
2. Delay between each bit – you can vary this between 1 and 255

Sound mode:

This mode is useful for recording the audio output from a serial transmitter.


Vhk is capable of doing 2 different things:

Vhk can either act as a voice/sound receiver from your serial transmitter (Sound mode) or it can act as a voice/sound transmitter (Flashing mode)
1. In sound mode, the program will listen to the serial data stream of a voice/sound transmitter, and as soon as it receives a character/letter it will pause for an amount of time (given by the delay variable) and then play it back in the voice output of the program.
2. In flashing mode, the program will send audio bits to serial at a set rate and a delay of between one and 255.

You can change any of these parameters within the text box.

Version 1.1 is a new version of Vhk, which adds the functionality to transmit audio, and many other improvements.Q:

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System Requirements:

Minimum specifications for game play:
– Windows XP or higher
– Intel Core 2 Duo processor
– DirectX 9.0 or higher
– 4 GB of RAM
– 1 GB of hard disk space
– NVIDIA GeForce 7800GT/AMD Radeon X1950 GT
– 1x USB 2.0 port
– 1x PS2 mouse
Minimum specifications for game development:
– 4 GB of RAM


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