Estreno Pelicula Alta Cumbia

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Estreno Pelicula Alta Cumbia: A Tribute to Argentine Cumbia Villera

If you are a fan of cumbia villera, the popular and controversial music genre that emerged in Argentina in the late 1990s, you might be interested in watching Estreno Pelicula Alta Cumbia, a documentary film that pays homage to this cultural phenomenon. Directed by Cristian Jure, the film features interviews and performances by some of the most influential artists of cumbia villera, such as Pablo Lescano, Hernán Coronel, Rubén Darío Castiñeiras, and Daniel Lescano.

What is cumbia villera?

Cumbia villera is a subgenre of cumbia that originated in the shanty towns (villas) of Buenos Aires during the economic and social crisis of 2001. The lyrics of cumbia villera reflect the harsh realities of poverty, violence, drug abuse, and marginalization that affect the young people living in these areas. The music is characterized by a fast tempo, electronic keyboards, and catchy choruses. Cumbia villera became a massive success among the lower classes, but also faced criticism and censorship from the media and the authorities, who considered it vulgar and dangerous.

What is Estreno Pelicula Alta Cumbia about?

Estreno Pelicula Alta Cumbia is a documentary film that tells the story and the present of cumbia villera through songs and testimonies of its protagonists. The film is a tour that starts from the origins of cumbia villera in the turbulent context of the 90s and the 2001 crisis, and goes through uncomfortable places of prejudice and discrimination, censorship and oblivion, exclusion and despair. But at the same time, the film celebrates the creativity and vanguardism, the fun and rebelliousness, and the passion and sentiment of cumbia villera as a popular and massive culture.

Where can I watch Estreno Pelicula Alta Cumbia?

Estreno Pelicula Alta Cumbia was released on June 22, 2017 in Argentina. You can watch it online on various streaming platforms or download it from torrent sites. You can also find more information about the film on its official website or social media accounts.

What are the reviews of Estreno Pelicula Alta Cumbia?

Estreno Pelicula Alta Cumbia has received positive reviews from critics and audiences who have praised its tribute to cumbia villera and its social and cultural impact. The film has a rating of 7.4 out of 10 on IMDb and 3.5 out of 5 on Letterboxd. Some of the comments from the reviewers are:

  • “Alta Cumbia is a documentary that really worth seeing, for example for the countercultural character of this popular musical genre so resisted by the elites. In addition, the story is more than well told by Cristian Jure and has good technical quality.” (Letterboxd)
  • “A great documentary that shows the history and evolution of cumbia villera, a musical genre that emerged in the midst of a social and economic crisis and that became a voice for the marginalized sectors of society. The film features interviews with some of the most representative artists of cumbia villera, such as Pablo Lescano, Hernán Coronel, Mala Fama, and Meta Guacha, who share their experiences and opinions about this controversial and popular culture.” (IMDb)
  • “A film that honors cumbia villera and its protagonists, who have created a musical movement that transcends borders and generations. The film shows the origins, the present, and the future of cumbia villera, a genre that has been criticized and censored but also celebrated and admired by millions of fans. The film is a journey through the songs and testimonies of cumbia villera, a culture that expresses the joy and pain of the people.” (La Vanguardia)

How to watch Estreno Pelicula Alta Cumbia online?

If you want to watch Estreno Pelicula Alta Cumbia online, you have several options to choose from. You can stream the film on platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or YouTube. You can also download the film from torrent sites such as The Pirate Bay or 1337x. However, you should be careful with the legality and quality of these sources. Alternatively, you can buy or rent the film on digital stores such as iTunes, Google Play, or Vudu. You can also find more information about the film on its official website or social media accounts.


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