Darwin Ortiz – Designing Miracles.pdf 🔼

Darwin Ortiz – Designing Miracles.pdf 🔼


Darwin Ortiz – Designing Miracles.pdf

3.3 KiB | Uploaded by:CARlHODREN, on 15 January 2010. Marcia Blain – The Complete 1-2-3 System in One Day And A Week (PDF.
PDF de 1.2 GiB | Uploaded by: Darren Downs on 15 January 2010. Alice Clement – The Ultimate Ruined Expos. For the Full 120-Page. of the Navier-Stokes equations, [*IMA J. Math. Analysis Appl.*]{}, [**19**]{}, no. 3 (1999), 421–435.

B. Dacorogna, *Direct Methods in the Calculus of Variations. Second Edition*. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998.

F. Delarue, S. Menozzi, and F. Tröltzsch, Optimal stochastic control in a single-pointed mean-field game, [*SIAM J. Control Optim.*]{}, [**55**]{}, no. 3 (2017), 2458–2485.

C. De Lellis and L. Sz[é]{}kelyhidi, Onsager’s conjecture for admissible energies, [*Invent. Math.*]{}, [**195**]{}, no. 1 (2014), 1–87.

J. C. Díaz, M. DiFrancesco, and P.A. Markowich, On the Generalized Hydrodynamic Limit for the Nonlinear Boltzmann Equation, [*Comm. Pure Appl. Math.*]{}, [**45**]{}, no. 3 (1992), 301–330.

P. Dupuis and H. Ishii, A variational representation of dual functionals for some problems in stochastic optimal control, [*Ann. Probab.*]{}, [**23**]{}, no. 3 (1995), 1217–1231.

J. Dolbeault, D. Tataru, M. Zerner, A. Zumslain, A new proof of the local regularity of the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, [*Comm. Math. Phys.*]{}, [**135**]{}, no. 1 (1990), 157–162.

D. A. Eastham and H. O. Kreiss, [*

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multiple queries to database

does this query

SELECT rating, COUNT(*) AS c FROM vw_promo WHERE date = ‘1/10/2012’

the same as

SELECT rating, COUNT(*) AS c FROM vw_promo WHERE date = ‘1/10/2012’ AND
WHERE rating = 0

how to make it so it will actually work and do both functions?


SELECT rating, COUNT(*) AS c
FROM vw_promo
WHERE date = ‘1/10/2012’ OR rating = 0;

It will return the rows which match either condition, putting it in logical order.

Donald Trump on Monday condemned the Pittsburgh Synagogue massacre and praised…
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Trump said he is “condemned to take all necessary actions to confront this violent epidemic of anti-Semitism and the threats of violence it poses.”

“Just look at the condemnation coming out of Germany,” Trump said. “And we have a mayor that has been very strong in condemning it.”


Trump said he was “proud to be a unifier,” but has called for unity “under one flag and one country.”

“We don’t want to be a nation of people that are divided,” he said, adding that there is a distinction between the anti-Semitism in the present, like that demonstrated in Pittsburgh, and the problem that led to the destruction of the Jewish people in World War II.

“But you have to stop the poison,” he said. “These are sick people.”

He said that anti-Semitism is


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